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Homepage Copy: 7 Simple Tips

icon Posted: 11 February 2018 by: Darren Lugg. / / WhatsApp / Mail

give or take.

Your homepage is the first page most visitors will see. It’s also the page where most readers will decide whether they want to invest more of their time on your site… You need to get it right.

Be concise

Your homepage only needs to offer visitors a preview of your business or organisation. Don’t overdo it with in-depth information about who you are or what you do. In-depth information is better suited to secondary pages, such as your about or services page.

Keep it simple

Try to keep your copy simple. Don’t overcomplicate it with long multi-clause sentences and jargon. People like to read short clear sentences that get to the point without being taxing.

Contextual links

It’s important that your homepage can be linked to other pages via contextual links. Ensure that you include plenty of words or phrases that can be linked to other pages on your website. Contextual links improve navigation and are good for SEO.

Install confidence

It’s always a good idea to offer your readers expertise reassurances. This can be done by briefly describing your experience/qualifications or by using a contextual link that will lead visitors to your testimonial or about page.

Think SEO

Think about SEO. Use plenty of key words/phrases in your copy and headings. (Words and phrases that you think people will type into Google or other search engines to find your website.) Don’t over do it though, just give the search engines enough to ensure good web indexing.

Understand your readers

If you have a good understanding of your audience, your copy will have a far greater impact. Take some time to understand them, and write directly for them.


Try to keep your homepage to around 300 to 400 words. This should be more than enough to get your core message across. Brevity works well. Most people simply scan homepages, making the decision there and then to either invest more time into your website or move on to another.

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